"drowning in a sea of faces, hardly keep my head above the surface..."

thirst (by deav 2003)

Monday, August 09, 2004

exposed - not today

not today (by deav)
Rio, Abr 2003

the pain, the pain
it’s been there all day
though until now
i’ve lived my life in vain
i don’t want to die today

my life so far
has been sweetened with sweeter
always with that bitter taste in the end
i myself don’t understand why
i don’t want to die today

my body hurts all over
is it some cosmic joke?
when i’ve started to discover my own way
should the thread of life be broken?
no, i don’t want to die today

now that i started feeling?
now that i see some meaning?
now that i started singing?
now that my thoughts are spinning?
no, not today.

* * *

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