"drowning in a sea of faces, hardly keep my head above the surface..."

thirst (by deav 2003)

Monday, August 09, 2004

the awakening - someone

someone (by deav)
Rio, Mai 2003
(the awakening)

you who comes from afar
from distant lands
please tell me something good
come and tell me
there, where you come from
are there children laughing?
are there?
are there love songs? are there?
someone, somewhere
must be happy

you who comes from near
in a time machine
please tell me something good
come and tell me
then, when you come from
is there freedom for all?
is a man judged by the measure
of his integrity?
someone, sometime
must be happy

you who comes from above
in a space ship
please tell me something good
come and tell me
there, in the silent vacuum
do you people live in friendship?
and does love last forever,
or is it like here?
someone, somehow
must be happy

* * *

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