"drowning in a sea of faces, hardly keep my head above the surface..."

thirst (by deav 2003)

Monday, July 26, 2004

piercing - epilogue

i hope it's the last entry about this subject. i managed to see another doctor, a dermathologist, that same day; she confirmed the infection and, as the anaesthesia had no effect, she cleansed my ear in cold blood, squeezing and taking the suppurated material with nippers; i felt like William Wallace under torture. wide range antibiotics, anti-allergics (i have a feeling this word is all wrong), an ointment, i could finally sleep, the pain is gone, i have my ear back. she said i may be allergic to the pigment in the tattoo paints (not mentioning the contamination of the paint, sometimes people use the same tube for many clients...), so i may never have a tattoo, too. that's sad, they're an important part of my transformation in myself. whatever. anyway, i'm not feeling an outcast: 90% of the piercings go wrong. a tribe to belong to, the "absolute non-pierced". 

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