"drowning in a sea of faces, hardly keep my head above the surface..."

thirst (by deav 2003)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


things keep on changing. i just decided to get loose and go with the flow. perhaps i got too loose, because now i can't get myself to do the things i have to do. "buried in piles of paper, cuffed to my chair". i should be working right now, although it's actually almost 7 p.m. here.

this emotional whirlwind is good for writing songs, though. the melodies have been coming to me first, but the words are not so easy to be born.

i'm just exausted.

even though there are hundreds of people a couple of clicks away, the profiles seem to keep me away from them, and them from me. either they're too young, or too old, or unatractive somehow, and, bottomline, everyone is judging everyone, enhancing the sense of isolation.

como diria minha amiga Ju, "como é difícil lidar com os humanos..."


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