"drowning in a sea of faces, hardly keep my head above the surface..."

thirst (by deav 2003)

Friday, October 29, 2004

happy again

because RM is back! it's been two weeks now. start from scratch. no more empty mail box. thrilling discussions. making of new acquaintances. a different way of being lonely, that's what these virtual social contacts are. not less important at all, i remember well my reaction when the board went down. i'm ok now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may be lonely, but you are not alone. I am one of those recluse people, too.

Your lyrics are beautiful, poignant, and need to be shared. But how? HOW??? We are in the same boat, it seems. At the very least we are in different boats, rowing side by side.

Long road, the sun will rise another day.

or maybe:

How much difference does it make?


I'll be back to

see you at RM...

and don't worry about the capitals/lower case letters...made no difference in my reading.